Tag: people
Betwixt n' Between
Not quite sure how this thought entered my mind, whether it was given to me or I just thought it up,..
Back in 1974 I was very heavy into meditation, until it became natural. So I got a strange idea, kin..
Memories! Well, this just sort of floated into my mind, and I thought, 'well that's a good idea'..
Piece of Cake
This painting portrays a piece of cake in which the white cake stands in for the white man, where..
The Bridge
As illustrated in my painting, similar to this one, titled "Drifting Apart", arguments tend t..
The Choir
My friends, Bruce, Ed and I, took a camping tour all through Arizona, up into Utah. We stopped at..
The Creator
This is my, "Creator". It's a biblical story, I thought it was very interesting. So, I divided up ou..
Tightrope Walker
Way back in 1975, I painted this. Its 46 x 43 inches. Its about life, we kind of walk a tightrope..
Walk Into the Storm
This painting, is called "Walk Into the Storm". I remember walking in the warm rain, in the summ..